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Hello! My name is Andrea and I'm a distance reiki practitioner specializing in the Usui method. I've been doing reiki for about 7 years. I have studied psychology and worked for 7 years as a licensed substance abuse counselor before getting into holistic healing. I have since had a spiritual awakening and am passionate about sharing light and healing.

All About Me

After spending 7 years in the field of social services and feeling disheartened by the system that so many people are caught in. I felt inclined to explore a more spiritual path in my career. I started a small holistic healing business and during this time had the opportunity to meet a lot of different people who were interested in finding paths to healing out side of the mainstream. The conversations I had helped me to grow and lead me to my spiritual awakening.

Fast forward to now, I've been doing reiki for about 7 years and offer distance reiki to anyone in the world. Pets included! I'm passionate about helping people along their spiritual and healing journeys. 

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