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8 Ways to Build a Positive Relationship with YOURSELF!


Establishing a positive relationship with yourself is the foundation for a fulfilling and meaningful life. It's a journey of self-discovery and self-love that requires dedication and intentional effort. We can only get so far in our spiritual journeys without self-love.

Is the opposite of self-love self-loathing?

I don’t see this in such black and white terms. While we might not be actively hating ourselves or intentionally doing destructive things to ourselves. Instead, we might be dealing with subconscious beliefs that we aren’t good enough or that we don’t measure up to some standard.

 In the eyes of creation, you meet all standards. Every soul was created equally and we are all here to learn how to transcend negative energy and manifest the lives of our dreams.

How do I know if I need to up my self-love game?

If you are hitting road blocks in manifesting the life you want or are having recurrent negative experiences that seem to cycle through your life, then there might be some subconscious self-defeating thoughts and feelings of unworthiness.

For example, if you feel that you need to lose more weight to be worthy of dating, or if you feel that you need to achieve a certain status to fit into a certain social group or to make someone else happy, then there are underlying feelings that you aren’t enough as you are.

Journal Challenge:

Take a look at the things you are trying to accomplish in your life. Be it a degree, or a promotion, or a certain number of follower, etc. Anything…Tae each thing and journal about it. Spend time focusing on the real reasons you want this accomplishment.

Take a look at the underlying feelings, motivations, and how you believe you will feel after you accomplish this. Will this thing bring you some level of fulfillment, or are the motives more about impressing someone or some group? Are you passionate about the thing you are trying to achieve, or is someone else the driving force behind your decision to accomplish this thing? Maybe both are true.

Explore the feelings of self-worth that you perceive you will have when you accomplish this thing. Do you you believe it will make you more worthy or something? Love, money, etc.?


8 Ways to Build a Positive Relationship with yourself

  1. Practice Self-Compassion:

Self-compassion is the cornerstone of building a positive relationship with yourself. It involves treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend. Embrace your imperfections, acknowledge your struggles, and be gentle with yourself during challenging times. Cultivating self-compassion allows you to navigate life's ups and downs with resilience and grace.

  1. Cultivate Self-Awareness:

Understanding who you are at a deep level is essential for building a positive relationship with yourself. Take time for self-reflection, explore your values, passions, and motivations. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Developing self-awareness provides insights into your authentic self and helps you make choices aligned with your true identity.

  1. Set Healthy Boundaries:

Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial for self-respect and well-being. Clearly define your limits in various aspects of life, including relationships, work, and personal time. Learn to say no when necessary and communicate your boundaries assertively. Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries protect your mental and emotional space, allowing you to thrive.

  1. Learn from Challenges:

Challenges and setbacks are inevitable, but they also present opportunities for growth and learning. Instead of viewing obstacles as failures, see them as valuable lessons. Reflect on the experiences that test your resilience and problem-solving skills. Embracing challenges with a positive mindset fosters personal development and strengthens your relationship with yourself.

  1. Embrace Self-Care Rituals:

Prioritizing self-care is an essential component of building a positive relationship with yourself. Develop rituals that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Whether it's practicing mindfulness, enjoying a hobby, or dedicating time to rest, self-care rituals recharge your energy and contribute to a sense of well-being. Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine.

  1. Use Positive Self-Talk:

Your inner dialogue has a powerful impact on your self-perception and overall well-being. Replace negative self-talk with positive and affirming statements. Challenge self-limiting beliefs and focus on your strengths and achievements. Cultivating a positive internal dialogue builds self-confidence and reinforces a healthy relationship with yourself.

  1. Celebrate Achievements:

Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Recognizing your successes reinforces a positive self-image and boosts self-esteem. Take time to reflect on your achievements, set new goals, and appreciate the progress you've made. Celebrating milestones, both big and small, contributes to a sense of fulfillment and self-worth.

  1. Prioritize Your Needs:

To build a positive relationship with yourself, it's crucial to prioritize your own needs. Take the time to identify what truly matters to you and allocate time and energy accordingly. Whether it's personal growth, rest, or pursuing your passions, honoring your needs strengthens your connection with yourself and enhances overall life satisfaction.


Building a positive relationship with yourself is a lifelong journey that requires commitment and self-reflection. By practicing self-compassion, cultivating self-awareness, setting healthy boundaries, learning from challenges, embracing self-care rituals, using positive self-talk, celebrating achievements, and prioritizing your needs, you can foster a deep and meaningful connection with the most important person in your life – yourself.

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