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Chronically Homeless Single Mom, to Manifesting the Life of My Dreams-Techniques that I used

This is going to be an honest guide to how I am manifesting the life of my dreams. If you are looking at exploring the concept of manifesting your own reality you might be seeing a lot of posts and videos with tips and tricks to using the Law of Attraction. Some of it might sound really strange if this is new to you.

Over the last 7 years, I’ve been using Law of Attraction techniques to manifest my dream life. When I first started, I would say I half way believed in the techniques. Or at least, wasn’t certain that they would work for me.

The most important thing I learned about the law of attraction: In the eyes of the universe, we are all equal. No matter how you feel about yourself you are just as deserving AND capable of having a life of abundance, peace, love, safety, and comfort.

Dolores Cannon is famous for saying that we came here (into this life) to learn how to manipulate energy, to become master manifesters. Regardless of your circumstances, you can manifest your way out of it.

I understand that this can sound like a very tall order depending on where you are starting from. I, myself, was living in a toxic home environment, didn’t have the financial resources to move out with my son, though we both desperately wanted to. And I was riddled with resentment, anger, trauma, anxiety, fear, shame and guilt. All those lovely, low vibe emotions that keep us stuck.

I felt like I had nobody. My parents where toxic, my partner was toxic and I lost all my friends because I never had the financial resources to hang out with them. Instead of having the courage to tell them this. I simple ghosted. I was too ashamed to admit my circumstances. And they just thought I wasn’t interested in being their friend.

My son and I were in and out of homelessness over the years of his younger life. It seemed I would eventually get fed up with our living environment and accept being homeless as a better option. Eventually, being homeless would get to be too stressful, and we would end up back in another toxic situation.

I’ll leave out all the details in this post, otherwise this will go one forever. Lets fast forward to the manifesting. I started learning about the law of attraction about 7 years ago at this point. I started to dabble in meditation, but one of the techniques I used that seemed to work well was a technique using water.

Manifestation technique 1: Water

Water has memory. The explanation for this can be another post for another day. For now, just know that water has memory.

  • Step 1: pour some clean water into a paper cup. Write on this cup something you want to manifest. For me, it was a job traveling and $100,000/year income. This seemed impossible to me. I could not see anyway this would work. I didn’t have any special skills or credentials that could seemingly get this to happen for me.

  • Step 2: Talk to your water. Yep. Say thank you as if the manifestation has already come true. Put your positive intentions in the water. Send it positive energy. Do this any way that feels right to you.

  •  Step 3: Drink the water while offering gratitude for the thing that you want to manifest as if it has already happened.


Repeat this daily.


I didn’t particularly know if this technique would work, but fast forward about a year to a year and a half later, I was travel around the U.S. for working making around $100K a year.

INTERESTING SIDE NOTE: This job was traumatically horrible for our quality of life (my son and I). It made my life considerably hellish for over 3 years. I would like point out a few mistakes I made.

  • Mistake #1: Not being more specific. I should’ve focused on a type of job that I would’ve liked to have, instead of just opening the door to anything.

  • Mistake #2: Thinking that the money alone would solve all y problems. Instead I should’ve been trying to manifest peace, safety, security and all the things that I thought the money would give me. Instead of just focusing on the money.

  • Mistake #3: Thinking that traveling the country would be a great experience for my son and I without putting any thought into how we would be traveling the country. He was around 11 at the time and I had manifested a job as a low-voltage contractor. I had zero help and had no body to watch my son while I worked. He had to go on the road with me. This isolated him from school. I thought seeing the country would be good for him, but he ended up spending more time in hotels than experiencing cool things. It was awful.

  • Mistake #4: Not being more specific about keeping my money. Most of the income I was making went into my expenses as a traveling contractor. Since I had my son with me, I always made sure we had clean, safe comfortable hotels and airbnbs to stay in. We frequently ate out, due to not having the time or resources for home cooking. Most of the income I was making, just fueled getting to the next job. Hence, I got stuck once again. I wasn’t meditating or taking care of myself spiritually anymore and I started a downward manifestation spiral.

I eventually got screwed out of large amounts of money by my employer and found myself living in my car again with my son. I would usually have money for hotels, but not every night.

I eventually found myself in another toxic relationship, and just hated my life. My son felt isolated, because we never stay in any one place more than 6 months, so he didn’t want to make friends. I knew something had to change.


Manifestation method #2: Binaural beats and some meditating

I hate to work with this toxic partner of mine and caused me constant stress. So to start to heal and disassociate I would listen to binaural beats while working and sleeping. Often with subliminal positive messages. When I felt I had the energy, I would meditate. I was able to start to get myself into some higher vibe states while meditating. These didn’t last long. But somehow, despite being surrounded by negativity in my work and home life, after a few months of this, I found myself living back in my hometown, being offered a great job by a great friend who somehow never lost faith in me and toxic guy was gone.

I remember telling my friend and new employer that I can’t believe I manifested this life despite being so unhappy and surrounded by negativity. It makes me wonder how much faster I could’ve manifested my way out of these situations, had I put more effort into it! I will admit, my manifestation efforts were half-assed!

Now that I’m living in my own stable place with my son and have a job that I love, I take time to focus each day on all the things that I’m grateful for. That will help to ensure that I don’t lose it. And that things only continue to get better.

Expressing gratitude for my peaceful little apartment, my high vibrational job and the stability that my son is feeling, has helped us to cultivate even more peace and we have some very exciting things happening in my future.

While attempting to manifest the place I want to live in the future, I often couldn't decide whether I wanted to manifest a place with a view of the ocean or a place in the mountains. I'm happy to report that my son and I are a few short months away from moving to a place where we will have a view of mountains and the sea from our balcony. Not bad for someone who half-asses their LoA ;)

My current manifestation techniques:

  • Dailey gratitude

  • Water technique (but with better focus)

  • Reiki

  • Writing my manifestation goals down right before I fall asleep and right when I wake up while my subconscious mind is wide open

  • Guided meditations, particularly by Jose’ Silva and Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • High vibe frequencies with positive subliminals while working and sleeping

  • Getting into the sun and into nature as often as I can

  • Eating high vibe food


So there you go. Instead of just a regular “how-to” guide, you got a story of what’s actually worked for me.

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