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Comprehensive List of Shadow Work Prompts

Shadow work involves exploring and understanding the unconscious aspects of yourself. Remember, shadow work is a gradual and introspective process, so approach these prompts with patience and openness to self-discovery.

List of prompts you can use for your shadow work journal:

Fears and Anxieties:

·        What fears consistently arise in your life?

·        How do these fears hold you back?

Negative Patterns:

·        Identify recurring negative patterns in your behavior. Explore the origins of these patterns.

·        What do you consider to be your toxic traits? Where did these traits come from?

Unresolved Emotions:

·        Are there emotions you tend to suppress or ignore? How do these emotions manifest in your life?

Inner Child:

·        Reflect on significant childhood memories. How do these memories shape your beliefs and behaviors today?

·        If you could speak to your child self now, what would you say?

Inner Critic:

·        What does your inner critic often say? Identify the possible source(s) of these critical thoughts.

·        What are common negative things you say to yourself? Is there something more empowering you can replace these thoughts with?


·        Are there qualities or traits in others that trigger strong reactions in you? Explore how these reactions might be projections of your own qualities.

·        What negative traits do you tend to see in others that you might actually be exhibiting yourself?

·        How often do you find yourself judging others? How does it make you feel?

Unacknowledged Desires:

·        Reflect on desires or dreams you haven't pursued. What fears or beliefs are preventing you from pursuing them?

·        If you could do absolutely anything with your life, money was not a factor, what would you be doing? Is this different from what you're actually doing? If not, why do you think this you're is? Can you start to implement parts of this into your life somehow?

Relationship Patterns:

·        Examine patterns in your relationships. Are there recurring themes or dynamics? What do they reveal?

·        Have you ever had your heart broken? Reflect on this experience.

·        Have you ever broken someone else's heart? How do you feel about it now?

·        What is your attachment style? What events in your life do you think contribute to this?


·        How do you perceive yourself?

·        Are there aspects of yourself you avoid acknowledging?

Cultural Conditioning:

·        Reflect on societal or cultural beliefs you've internalized. Evaluate how these beliefs align with your authentic self.

Masks and Roles:

·        Explore the roles you play in different areas of your life. Are these roles authentic expressions of yourself?

·        What Jungian archetypes do you identify with? How are the 4 cardinal orientations playing a role?

Regrets and Guilt:

·        Identify regrets or guilt you carry.

·        Explore the lessons and growth opportunities within these experiences.

Hidden Talents:

·        Consider talents or passions you've neglected. Explore why you may have suppressed or ignored these aspects of yourself.

·        What were some of your hobbies as a kid? Why did you stop doing them?

Repressed Needs:

·        Reflect on your unmet needs.

·        How have you coped with unfulfilled needs in the past?

·        How do you feel talking about your unmet needs to your partner, friends or family?

Societal Expectations:

·        Question societal expectations you've internalized. Assess whether they align with your authentic values.


·        Are there individuals you need to forgive? Explore the impact of holding onto resentment.

·        When was the last time you had a hard time forgiving yourself for a mistake? What was the mistake?

·        How do you perceive failure?

Body Image:

·        Reflect on your relationship with your body.

·        Are there societal pressures influencing your self-perception?

·        What subconscious thoughts might be affecting your body image?

Dream Analysis:

·        Record and analyze recurring themes or symbols in your dreams.

·        Explore the emotions and messages they convey.


·        Identify aspects of your shadow you're ready to integrate.

·        Develop strategies for self-acceptance and growth.

Future Self:

·        Envision your ideal future self. Describe it. What steps can you take to align with this vision?

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