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What is a Spiritual Awakening- Stages of Awakening

Updated: Jan 23

A spiritual awakening is a profound and transformative shift in consciousness, marking a heightened awareness of one's inner self, the interconnectedness of all existence, and the divine or transcendent aspects of life.

It often involves a deep sense of clarity, purpose, and a connection to something greater than the individual self. During a spiritual awakening, individuals may experience a profound shift in their perspectives, values, and understanding of reality.

Image by Bianca Van Dijk from Pixabay

This process is often characterized by an increased sense of inner peace, compassion, and a recognition of the sacred in everyday life. Spiritual awakenings can be triggered by various life events, deep introspection, or a search for meaning beyond the material aspects of existence, leading individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Stages of Spiritual Awakening
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My Spiritual Awakening

Looking back, I can see many seeds that were planted in my awareness long before my spiritual awakening. I came across many spiritual teachers such as Teal Swan, Deepak Chopra and Ralph Smart only to think to myself "These people are bizarre." Fast forward to today, now I their teachings. I've come to realize that the point of life is to awaken. To realize that life itself is just a dream or a play and in reality, our Higher Self is connected to all that is. That we are not separate. That there is only one. There is only here and now.

A client of mine recommended that I read a book. This was something that happened frequently. My clients were always telling me about books they over I read. Well-meaning, I often told them I would. But rarely followed up or even remembered what books I had promised to read. But for some reason, I felt a pull to follow through on reading this book. And I did. I read this book over the course of a couple days. I could barely put it down. Everything resonated with me and I was so astounded by my newfound beliefs and expanded consciousness that I barely spoke to anyone for three days. All I could do was sit in awe and wonder. I contemplated. I felt a sense of relief, realizing that this life is so small and that I not only will have many more, but that I can manifest anything I want in this life. There is no chance. Only the universe reflecting things back to us and orchestrating our lives in perfect order for our eventual awakening.

What happens during a spiritual awakening

During a spiritual awakening you might suddenly feel like you see the world completely differently. Almost as if you are observing a movie. Realizing that you are playing a part in it and you are the director. You might notice that you notice synchronicities frequently. At first you might chalk, it up to coincidence, but eventually, it becomes obvious that these are no coincidence. The universe will choose synchronicities that resonate with you. Some people see the number 1111 frequently, other will notice animals acting differently around them like birds that seem to no longer be afraid to be in your presence.

The most profound and notable sign of a spiritual awakening is a shift in consciousness.

If you are going through a spiritual awakening, you will resonate with this even if you can't put words to it.

Stages of a Spiritual Awakening

The stages of a spiritual awakening can vary from person to person. However, there are common themes and experiences that individuals often go through during this transformative journey. Here is a general outline of the stages of a spiritual awakening:

1.     Call to Awakening:

The initial stage often involves a sense of dissatisfaction with the status quo, a yearning for something more, or a feeling that there must be a deeper purpose to life. This is the call that prompts individuals to embark on a spiritual journey.

2.     Awakening Initiation:

This stage is marked by a catalyst or trigger event that serves as the impetus for a shift in consciousness. This could be a significant life event, a personal crisis, or a profound mystical experience.

3.     Seeking and Searching:

During this stage, individuals actively seek answers and explore various spiritual philosophies, practices, and traditions. There is a thirst for knowledge and a willingness to step outside of one's comfort zone in search of deeper understanding.

4.     Opening to New Perspectives:

As the journey unfolds, there is a gradual (sometimes sudden) opening of the mind and heart to new perspectives and ways of thinking. Beliefs and paradigms may shift, allowing for a more expansive view of reality.

5.     Intense Self-Exploration:

This stage involves deep introspection and self-exploration. Individuals confront their fears, past traumas, and conditioned beliefs. Emotional release and healing often accompany this process. One's focus shifts from being primarily outward to being primarily inward. One might experience what is often to as the dark night of the soul. This is not something to be feared, just a time that will illuminate the need to do shadow work. Click here to learn more about exploring the shadows.

6.     Encountering the Divine:

A profound sense of connection to the divine or a higher power becomes more apparent. Individuals may experience moments of awe, serenity, and a deep recognition of the sacred in all aspects of life.

7.     Integration of Spiritual Insights:

As spiritual insights are gained, there is a process of integrating this newfound wisdom into everyday life. This may involve aligning one's actions, values, and choices with spiritual principles. This is where you start to embody these new higher perspectives and act accordingly. You act in the light. You choose the light. If you feel like there is something holding you back from doing this, you might consider doing an exercise to release entity attachments.

8.     Ego Dissolution:

A crucial aspect of the journey involves a shift in the relationship with the ego. There is a diminishing attachment to ego-driven desires, external validations, and a greater acceptance of the true, authentic self. One might start to see the ego almost as a separate entity, one that served as a teacher, but is no longer needed.

9.     Transcendence of Duality:

Individuals may experience a shift beyond dualistic thinking, recognizing the interconnectedness of all things. This leads to a more holistic and inclusive perspective. Many people who have had awakenings while meditating have described moments when they reached a vibrational state so high that they could no longer tell where they ended and everything else began. They saw everything as one and they were a part of this one. It's described as a state of complete bliss.

10.  Service and Contribution:

Many individuals, after experiencing a spiritual awakening, feel a strong calling to serve others and contribute positively to the collective well-being. This can manifest in various forms, such as acts of kindness, social activism, or sharing spiritual teachings.


It's important to note that these stages are not strictly linear, and individuals may revisit certain stages as they continue their spiritual journey. The process is dynamic, and each person's awakening is unique. Additionally, the stages may unfold over an extended period, and the depth of the experience can vary widely. Seeking support from spiritual communities, mentors, or resources can be beneficial during this transformative journey.

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